To make sure everyone has an enjoyable day please follow the Manawatu Craft and Food Fair rules as below:
- Barber Hall and Bell Hall will be open from 7:30am on Saturday for set up to begin.
- Barber Hall and Bellh Hall will be open from 8:30am on Sunday (December only Event) for Sunday set up to begin.
- Do not park in the first row of car parks outside Bell Hall as we need these free for the food trucks to park up. See below map for Food Truck Area Location.
- You must be present by 9:15am at the latest to set up your stall or we will start merging stalls.
- All stall holders need to be set up and present for a stall holder meeting at 9:45am. Doors will open at 10:00am sharp.
- Once you have unloaded your vehicles, we do ask that you park your vehicles around the back of Barber Hall in the Arena Grandstand area to keep room for customer parking on Waldegrave Street. See below map for Parking Location.
- There will be food trucks outside Bell Hall but please feel free to bring your own lunch and snacks to get you through the day. We do supply tea and coffee in the kitchen for Stall Holders.
- All stall holders are required to stay for the full duration of the event, no exceptions. No stall holder is to start packing down their stall before 3:00pm.
- At the end of the day please take all rubbish with you, or place any rubbish in the provided rubbish bins inside the venue.
Manawatu Craft and Food Fair want our stall holders to have a professional looking stall to increase sales for our stall holders.
Here are some ideas to make the most of your stall site on the day.
- Customers need to know who you are. Make sure your business name is clearly visible.
- Ensure you have professional looking signage that customers can see to attract them to your stall.
- Try to display your items at eye level with everything easily accessible, clearly named and priced.
- Bring flyers / business cards for your business that customers can take away with them for future purchases.
- Have an emergency box packed with things like baby wipes (for all that dirty money you’ll be handling), panadol, water, snacks, business cards, blue tack, pins for your tablecloth etc.
- A notebook and pen can be handy for capturing people’s comments, what your hottest product on the day is, what people have requested that you do not have and potential sales to follow up on.
- Talk to your customers – find out what they like, how they use it and what they want more of. Customers are a great source of free market research. Customers will also be your best source of free advertising.
Eftpos and Cash Out facilities will not be available on the day.
If you are expecting a high turnover, we encourage you to hire an eftpos unit from one of our local eftpos providers or contact your bank for mobile eftpos systems.
We will be advertising the Manawatu Craft and Food Fair as a Cash Only event so if you do have eftpos facilities please let your customers know through your own advertising of the event.
The closest ATM machine is ANZ on the Corner of Cuba and Rangitikei Streets.
Manawatu Craft and Food Fair advertise on corflute boards around Palmerston North and through our Website, Facebook Page, Free Event Guides Online and Local Radio Stations.
Please share the Manawatu Craft and Food Fair page on your own business Social Media, Newsletters and Word of Mouth to family and friends.
We also welcome any suggestions or feedback around how we can gain more exposure for the Manawatu Craft and Food Fairs in the future.